Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I joked with my cousin about 4 years ago that in 5 years I'd either be a screaming left-wing liberal or a Libertarian-- which seems quite hyperbolic when it comes to the political spectrum but I think it proved prophetic. Having reached a point where I can no longer get behind the out-of-control spending of democrats that have our economy tanking, and getting personally tired of social security sucking up 10% of my pay that could be, instead, making me a millionaire by 65, I can no longer support democrats. However, I also reject the republican notions of controlling and legislating morality and limiting freedom of expression and privacy, and their naive and at times, racist immigration policies and rhetoric, I find myself falling squarely into the belief structure of main-line libertarians. (I don't care about gun-rights as much as they do, but as slam poet Michael Mlekodaj says, "a well armed lego population is the best defense against lego tyranny"-- check him out!)

Its an interesting epiphany when you come to the realization that your politics have changed without you really knowing it. Now I just have to decide how to vote when the only states actually electing libertarians are Idaho and Wyoming. :)

Please don't confuse Libertarians, incidentally, with the crazy tea-partiers. Some are, some aren't. The tea party immigration rhetoric makes me so angry I could crush rocks, they are too socially conservative for me as well as for many other libertarians.

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